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mission and our great commission

United International Ministries (UIM) exists to extend biblical hospitality to the international community of local educators and college students in order to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ by helping meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

UIM strives to show love to the nations because Christ loved us first.  UIM provides opportunities to connect the “world at our doorstep” with the local Christian community in an effort to provide a safe place for open conversations without fear of rejection, hostility, or judgment.

our team


Jeff Lorow,
Board Chair (President)

Fun Fact: I met my wife when she was 13 and I was 15. We married at 19 and 21 years of age. We will celebrate 47 years of marriage in November.


Significant Truth: A man usually defines himself by his career. In my later years, I’ve come to define myself by the company I keep.


Quote: It is all part of the journey.

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Karin Furrh, Vital Board Member

Fun Fact: I met my fun, wonderful, and loving husband on 20 years ago.


Significant Truth: God's plan for me may not align with my plan.  However, His plan is always best.  My confidence lies in my trust in Him.


Quote: If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

— Martin Luther King Jr.

Diana Watson Board Member

Diana Watson, Vital Board Member

Fun Fact: In spite of my meager athletic ability, 4 of my 6 children played collegiate sports and 3 of them played professionally. 


Significant Truth: I will always look for the silver lining. 


Quote: Try my dear, all they can do is say no.

Trudy Segbafia Board Member

Trudy Segbafia, Vital Board Member

Fun Fact: I was raised using cockerels as my alarm clock. Now that I can't hear them, it is confusing as to when to awake.


Significant Truth: I am the evidence of God's grace. Surely His goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in His house forever. 


Quote: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

-Helen Keller

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Cheryl Taylor, Vital Board

Fun Fact: When I was in the 3rd grade, our class was chosen to be in a movie that was part of a national education initiative.


Significant Truth: God’s steadfast love never ceases and His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.  Always remember that He’s where the joy is!


Quote: Being busy doesn't equal being productive.

Mandy Dellers Ministry Coordinator and Treasurer

Mandy Deller, Ministry Coordinator and Treasurer (Staff)

Fun Fact: I have a 2nd cousin that played professional baseball (MLB) for 13 years. He grew up in the Rock Hill/York area and went on to play with the San Francisco Giants and the Boston Red Socks.


Significant Truth: With age and wisdom, I've learned it is truly better to give than to receive. 


Quote: Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names; but once you know, everything changes. ~ David Platt


Staff Bio:

As a wife of 23 years, mom of 3 boys and care taker of one male golden doodle; Mandy is the sole lady in her household. Naturally this makes her queen of her domain. As a fair lady she practices both compassion and generosity. Eleven years ago Mandy and husband Mike adopted a 14 year old dynamite from Ukraine. After their adoption they befriended a Winthrop student from Ukraine, courtesy of UIM. They continue to positively impact this lovely young lady today. And she continues to bless them beyond measure. This beautiful friendship expanded their love for internationals! Mandy has a passion for helping people and diverse cultures. As such, she has been a gift to the UIM international community and a God-send to the UIM staff. When Mandy is not loving the nations, she enjoys spending time with her family and puppy, light hiking and conversing around a fire pit. Due to her love for a good cup of coffee, a back porch and a good book; and her dislike for all things sweaty, Mandy's favorite seasons are fall and winter. Mandy is an active member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill. She serves on the global missions committee, participates in women’s Bible study, and serves in the refugee ministry. Mandy cherishes being a part of a loving, Christ-centered body of believers!

Ginger Duncan Ministry Director

Ginger Duncan, Ministry Director (Staff)

Fun Fact: Once upon a time, I was kicked out of a country.


Significant Truth: I know that my personal hopes and dreams could never eclipse what the Lord has planned and purposed for my life.


Quote: Life often presents two options: the right thing and the easy thing. Do the right thing.


Staff Bio:

First and foremost, Ginger is a daughter of the King. She finds her identity in the safe and powerful place of God's grace. Second, she is the devoted mother of a precocious young man with whom she finds insane amounts of joy. Ginger lives in a multi-generational and multi-cultural home with her mother, son, and a Special Needs teacher from India. And yet, this does not seem to provide her enough diversity. With great intention, Ginger seeks out the nations at her doorstep. Whether it be in her neighborhood, church family, Winthrop University, or local school districts; Ginger endeavors to love and serve people outside her inherent culture. Ginger began her career in the corporate world with an emphasis on human development. She finds great pleasure in helping others reach their untapped potential. After 20 years in the work force, Ginger's family moved to a developing country to engage in cross-cultural ministry and human needs work. While there her eyes were opened to a beautiful world of discovering truths about a variety of cultures, as well as, uncovering truths about her own culture she had once failed to realize. She became fascinated with growing in her understanding of other people groups and the history behind what influences American culture. Upon returning stateside, Ginger had a tremendous conviction to serve internationals and extend biblical hospitality. UIM was an answer to prayer as she was searching for ways to answer this call on her life. In 2012 Ginger began to open her home and heart to the charming world of local internationals. For the past eleven years Ginger has passionately strived to welcome the sojourner and make quick friends of once strangers. It is her heart's desire to engage others in having a positive impact on Rock Hill's international college students, scholars, and district educators. When Ginger is not UIM-ing, she is involved in discipleship at Rock Hill Bible Fellowship Church, road tripping with her favorite son, snuggling with her malti-pom or preoccupied in tomfoolery with her chickens.

meet the UIM community

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